4 things Claude AI can do that ChatGPT can't

4 things Claude AI can do that ChatGPT can't

Here are the top reasons to choose Claude next time you reach for ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is often considered the best artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot available. GPT-3.5, the large language model (LLM) used in the free version of ChatGPT, was the largest and most powerful of its kind, surpassed only by GPT-4, which is only available with a $20 monthly subscription to ChatGPT Plus. 

The success of ChatGPT upon launch swiftly inspired other companies to publicly launch their own AI chatbots, as evidenced by Microsoft's Bing AI, Google's Bard, and Anthropic's Claude, to name a few.

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Anthropic, a safety and research company focused on AI, recently launched the latest version of its AI chatbot, Claude 2. Since then, it's become clear that this generative AI tool has advantages over OpenAI's free version of ChatGPT. 

4 things Claude AI can do that ChatGPT can't

ChatGPT and Claude have strengths in different areas. But even though Claude isn't better at everything compared to its main competitor, it has some features that give it an edge over ChatGPT. Which works better for you is all about determining which AI to use for different circumstances.

1. Read, analyze, and summarize uploaded files

Adding files in a chat is Claude's definitive advantage over ChatGPT. 

Claude lets you upload files by clicking the attachment button or dragging and dropping them right onto the text input area. Users can add up to five files at a time, each one up to 10MB. 

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When a user uploads a file and submits it with no other instructions, Claude will automatically summarize it. Summarization isn't the only benefit. Once you add text or a file into a conversation, the AI chatbot will learn about it and maintain the context of the information you shared throughout the ensuing conversation. 

As a result, you can ask the chatbot follow-up questions specific to the document or text, such as explaining something you didn't understand or that wasn't covered in the summary. For example, if you add a medical study PDF into a chat with Claude, it'll learn what the study says, so you can ask it specific questions, such as, 'what was the intent of the study?' or 'what percentage of participants had X results?'

The uploaded files can be Word documents, PDFs, .txt, .csv, and others. It doesn't handle Excel spreadsheets, although you can convert those to PDFs and then upload them to Claude to summarize.

2. Process more words than ChatGPT

Claude 2.0 was launched with a whopping 100K tokens, which makes for longer input and output. This capability means users can enter up to around 75,000 words in each prompt.

Claude's 100K context exceeds ChatGPT's 8K context. Context enables LLMs to generate nuanced, natural language by leveraging massive datasets used to train them on the contextual relationships between words and phrases. 

In simple terms, this context is the background information, such as previous chats, the back-and-forth conversation from earlier in a chat, and user preferences that give the AI bot a better understanding of what's happening. This information could be maintaining context within a long conversation or applying it to a user's settings. Typically, the larger the context, the more accurate the information in a conversation. 

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Context helps the AI chatbot understand when a user, for example, might be referring to a "bat" in sports equipment or an animal.

Claude's context means it can parse and summarize long documents, including scientific and medical studies, books, and reports. It also means Claude can generate long texts that are up to several thousand words long. 

3. Provide information after 2021

Claude was trained with data up to December 2022, and Anthropic says it may know some events into early 2023. In contrast, ChatGPT is trained on data leading up to September 2021. 

While neither AI chatbot has access to the internet, Claude knows information that ChatGPT doesn't, such as the products Apple launched last year and the specs of the Galaxy S23 lineup of smartphones launched in February 2023.

4. Access links and (somewhat) summarize their contents

Users can not only add documents to Claude, but can also drop links into the chat and get it to summarize the contents. When you add links, Anthropic warns that Claude might hallucinate content when links are input into the chat, which I found to be true about a third of the time. 

The example below shows how Claude "summarized" a Wall Street Journal article when I gave it just the link on the left, and when I gave it the text I accessed with my subscription on the right. This task resulted in two striking issues: major hallucinations, and the possibility of accessing paywalled content.

The article discusses controversies involving restaurant tipping in Chicago, where new regulations are being considered. Claude's major hallucination involved saying that the issue was being debated in New York City instead of Chicago, which changes the main subject of the article.  

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The fact that it seems like it can access content through links brings up the question of whether or not Claude can bypass paywalls, a characteristic that could infringe copyright laws. I did give Claude paywalled links to test its capabilities. Claude gave a summary that was similar to the answer it gave using the copied text, albeit with hallucinations. 

The bottom line is that I wouldn't trust the summarization Claude makes through links, as the results can be wildly inaccurate. However, summarization is a major feature that Anthropic could improve and build upon, as long as restrictions to respect paywalled content are in place.

ChatGPT and Claude are both powerful AI chatbots, but there are differences in capabilities that make Claude more capable of excelling at certain tasks, such as parsing large texts and documents, like PDFs.

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